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Foods You Can Enjoy With Braces

You’ve probably heard from your parents, friends, and even your orthodontist, the long list of foods and beverages that you should avoid while wearing braces. While it may seem like you’re giving up a lot, it is important to avoid eating certain foods. We also want you to enjoy your braces experience, so here’s a quick list of foods to avoid and foods to embrace while wearing braces.


Dairy — Soft cheese, pudding, milk-based drinks
Breads — Soft tortillas, pancakes, muffins without nuts
Grains — Pasta, soft cooked rice
Meats/poultry — Soft cooked chicken, meatballs, lunch meats
Seafood — Tuna, salmon, crab cakes
Vegetables — Mashed potatoes, steamed spinach, beans
Fruits — Applesauce, bananas, sliced fruit, most berries (but watch out for seeds) Treats — Ice cream without nuts, milkshakes, Jell-O, cake

Burger and Fries and Drink



Ice — At least not if you chew on it.
Potato Chips — Be really careful with these.
Caramel — Sticky goo which pulls off brackets.
Some Breads — Bend wires and break brackets.
Beef Jerky — Tough as nails.
Hard Candy/Suckers — You might forget and bite.
Nuts — No nuts of any kind.
Ribs — Knock off brackets.
Popcorn — Hulls get caught between gums and bands.
Raw carrots — Try to avoid raw carrots.
Apples — You can eat them, just cut them up first. Sorry, no caramel apples!
Corn on the cob — Can stay in your teeth for weeks.
